☀️ The Healing Power of Intuitive Painting
A Magical Intuitive Painting Workshop with Marina Petro
Diagonally across from Starbucks in Saratoga - Enter from lower entrance on Spring Street
This workshop is for those who have never picked up a paint brush and for experienced artists in all venues. Absolutely no painting, artistic experience or talent required to attend this powerful, transformational, and fun workshop... so...put your self consciousness aside and take the leap into new territory you haven’t traveled before.
When you are creating, you are connected to "The Creator" of all things..."The Source." The same energy that initiates and sustains all life flows through you very intensely in the act of creation. It is a healing experience.
DAY ONE - Saturday, March 16, 2019 10am-4pm
Intuitive Painting Essentials and The Healing Power of Intuitive Painting.
You will experience the power of color and painting to heal yourself and/or others.
Sunday, March 17, 2019 10 am-4 pmPaint Your Angel, and The Divine
I will guide you to paint a representation of your angel and/or spiritual guardian as well as the powerful and transformative experience of bringing forth The Divine to manifest through you and onto your painting.
We will break for a one hour lunch.
Pay online securely here with PayPal for Painting From "The Zone" full weekend or individual days.
Credit Card Payments by phone --- Call 518-583-7280
Call MARINA at 518-583-7280 or email her for more information.
Ice cube tray to hold paint
Plastic or glass jar to hold water for rinsing your brushes.
I will provide the paper and paints
If you are already a painter, bring a few large and small brushes you favor, including a liner brush...and one or two you don't favor.